We believe
in the power of youth

What we do?

We develop and create opportunities to empower, motivate and improve the livelihood of our youth!


We create leaders ready to emerge into the business world


We offer opportunities for youth to develop their employability skills

Civic Education

We encourage civic-political participation of youth, women and people with disabilities

Women Empowerment

We focus on female participation and empower them to achieve their goals


We lead youth to think creatively and develop innovative project ideas

Soft Skills

We train youth in developing their soft skills and prepare for the job market

We are an independent youth association founded in October 2008 in Douar Rahala, Akka, Tata. We aim to create young leaders with a sense of initiative, creativity, and innovation by building their self-confidence and their capacities to contribute to positive change and participate in the sustainable development process of their communities and nation.

Why Tamdoult?

Tamdoult (also Tamedoult, Tamdlt; Arabic: تمدولت‎ ) was a medieval city located near the Draa river south-east of Akka, Morocco. It was an important and flourishing stop in the Trans-Saharan trade route, linking Nul (Asrir) and Ouadane to Sijilmasa, Massa and N'fis. The city was founded in the second century BC. In the ninth century, one of the sons of Idriss II, founder of the Idrisid dynasty, who had been given a principality in the Sous to reign over the Lamta tribe.

The city and its fortress were allegedly destroyed in the 14th century by a king of the Marinid dynasty. Today, the shrine of Sidi Mohamed ben Abdallah Ichanaoui is the only surviving structure in the ruins site (Wikipedia). We named our association after this medieval city to make its history alive and a will of the resurrection of the big role that our region once played in the past.




Impacted Lives


Training Sessions


Implemented Projects

Meet Our Board Members

Abdellah Aslaouy
Hafida Oumhdi
Vice President
Mohamed Mahmoud Mohseine
Ali Jaafari

Meet our Team

Omar Aassou
Executive Director
Abderrahim Boualy
Senior Manager
Ayoub Hassouny
Finance and Administration Officer
Sara Aoujil
Finance and Administration Officer
Mohamed Oualla
Project Assistant
Mhamed Hamouch
Financial and Administrative Assistant

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