The Challenge

On July 20, 1969, millions of people across the world watched as Commander Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon, taking “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.

To celebrate the spirit of risk-taking, innovation, and achieving the seemingly impossible, the U.S. Mission in Morocco has worked with local partners to offer young Moroccans a series of exciting activities that we’re calling Moonshot Morocco. “Moonshot” means two things: launching a spacecraft to the moon, but also taking on a bold, exploratory, and ground-breaking project.

The activities throughout the year – visits by a U.S. astronaut, entrepreneurs, and a robotics expert; trainings in technology, digital marketing, and leadership; and an intensive, science-focused summer camp experience – were designed to help young Moroccans acquire the skills and gain the confidence to launch their own moonshots, where nothing is out of reach.

The Challenge

The idea

The Moroccan Moonshot Youth Festival aims to introduce young Moroccans to the latest science, innovation and technologies through panels, competitions, workshops, presentations and after hours activities led by national and international experts. In addition to that, the festival seeks to help Moroccan youth discover their potential and strengthen their skills in several topics related to science, technology and innovation. In the meantime and part of the festival activities, it was an opportunity for young Moroccans to network with national and international experts from different fields besides to create an outstanding positive learning atmosphere.

Association Jeunesee Tamdoult, expands from its scope of entrepreneurship and hosts eighteen workshops in science, innovation, and technology for the Moonshot Youth Festival in Casablanca.

In celebration of landing on the moon, the United States embassy in Rabat organized the Moonshot Youth Festival as the culmination of its year-long initiative, Moonshot Morocco. Through this initiative, Moroccan youth were trained by leaders to undertake creative, worthwhile projects for their communities. Students were inspired by the message to take giant leaps of courage and reach for the stars.

The Moonshot Youth Festival took place November 16-18 on the Casablanca campus of Mohammed VI University of Health Sciences. It brought together 5,000 American and Moroccan students, companies, entrepreneurs, organizations, and community leaders—capping off this project as a huge success for empowering Morocco’s next generation of leaders.

The solution

Several focus groups for the Citizen Lab project

The project team continued meeting with elected officials and local […]

Meeting with elected officials and local actors to promote the Citizen Lab project

The project team continued meeting with elected officials and local […]

Citizen Lab’s Guelmim Oued Noun Regional Conference

On January 15th, 2022 and within the programming of the […]







Project partners

Moonshot Morocco
Moonshot Morocco
Moonshot Morocco
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